Translation Results Do Not Correspond to Original Subtitles, There are Blank Lines
During translation, the default trans_thread=15, which means 15 lines of subtitles are sent to the translation engine for translation at the same time. Some more intelligent translation engines, such as Google or ChatGPT DeepL, etc., will optimize the translation according to semantics, resulting in the translation engine receiving 15 lines of original text, but the returned result will not be the corresponding 15 lines of translation results, it may be 14 lines, 13 lines or even less.
The original subtitles sent to it are 2 lines
Line 1: You're one of my
Line 2: best friends.
The optimized result returned by the translation engine may be one line, that is, the 2 lines are automatically merged into one line for translation according to the semantics, and the translation result is also one line:
You are one of my best friends
Instead of the expected 2 lines:
Line 1: You are one of the Line 2: best friends
How to completely avoid this situation?
Open Menu--Tools--Advanced Settings and change Number of subtitles translated simultaneously
to trans_thread=1. However, this method obviously slows down the speed, and it cannot take care of the context, so the effect is not good.