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ChatTTS Deployment Methods

Windows Pre-packaged Version

  1. Download the compressed package from Releases, extract it, and double-click app.exe to use it.

Source Code Deployment on Linux

  1. Configure the Python 3.9+ environment.

  2. Create an empty directory /data/chattts and execute the command cd /data/chattts && git clone .

  3. Create a virtual environment python3 -m venv venv

  4. Activate the virtual environment source ./venv/bin/activate

  5. Install dependencies pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  6. If you don't need CUDA acceleration, execute pip3 install torch torchaudio.

    If you need CUDA acceleration, execute

    pip install torch torchaudio --index-url
    pip install nvidia-cublas-cu11 nvidia-cudnn-cu11

    You also need to install CUDA 11.8 ToolKit. Please search for the installation method yourself.

  7. Execute python3 to start. It will automatically open a browser window. The default address is

Source Code Deployment on MacOS

  1. Configure the Python 3.9+ environment and install git. Execute the command brew install git [email protected]. Continue to execute
    export PATH="/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin:$PATH"
    source ~/.bash_profile
    source ~/.zshrc
  2. Create an empty directory /data/chattts and execute the command cd /data/chattts && git clone .
  3. Create a virtual environment python3 -m venv venv
  4. Activate the virtual environment source ./venv/bin/activate
  5. Install dependencies pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  6. Install torch pip3 install torch torchaudio
  7. Execute python3 to start. It will automatically open a browser window. The default address is

Windows Source Code Deployment

  1. Download Python 3.9+ and make sure to select Add Python to environment variables during installation.

  2. Download and install git,

  3. Create an empty folder D:/chattts and enter it. Enter cmd in the address bar and press Enter. Execute the command git clone . in the popped-up cmd window.

  4. Create a virtual environment. Execute the command python -m venv venv

  5. Activate the virtual environment. Execute .\venv\scripts\activate

  6. Install dependencies. Execute pip install -r requirements.txt

  7. If you don't need CUDA acceleration, execute pip install torch torchaudio.

    If you need CUDA acceleration, execute

    pip install torch torchaudio --index-url

    You also need to install CUDA 11.8 ToolKit. Please search for the installation method yourself.

  8. Execute python to start. It will automatically open a browser window. The default address is

Common Issues

  1. Missing after downloading the model from modelscope

    After changing to downloading the model from modelscope, the following prompt is displayed when running successfully: AssertionError: Missing **/pzc163/chatTTS/asset/

    Download from and copy it to the asset directory to solve the problem.

  2. If you encounter an error under mac, please try

    brew install libomp

  3. If prompted not to support python3.12+

    Please downgrade to version 3.10.