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I often need to process a large number of Markdown documents, HTML pages, or SRT subtitle files and translate them between Chinese and English or other languages. Existing tools on the market are either lacking in functionality, cumbersome to operate, or expensive. So I developed an AI document translation assistant myself, aiming to solve the problem of translating a large number of files efficiently and conveniently, and I'm sharing it with you.

Download address:

Baidu Netdisk Download:


Main Features

  • Format Compatibility: Supports translation of four common file formats: Markdown, HTML, TXT, and SRT, and can maintain the original file format after translation.
  • Batch Processing: Supports batch translation, greatly improving translation efficiency.
  • Intelligent Translation: Uses Gemini AI as the translation engine to ensure translation quality while providing sufficient free quota.
  • Custom Prompts: Allows users to customize prompts to achieve personalized translation needs, such as translating into other languages or making specific field translation adjustments.
  • Flexible File Naming: Translated files are added with a -translated suffix to the original file name by default. You can also choose to overwrite the original file directly.

How to use


  1. File Selection: In the file selection area at the top, you can select the files you need to translate by clicking or dragging.
  2. API Key Configuration: Fill in your Gemini API Key. Multiple Keys can be separated by commas to prevent quota issues when a single Key has too much translation volume.
  3. Model Selection: It is recommended to select the gemini-1.5-flash model, which has a large free quota.
  4. Network Proxy: Please configure a network proxy to ensure that the software can connect to the Gemini service normally (unless you don't need to bypass the firewall).
  5. File Name Suffix: You can customize the suffix of the translated result file. The default suffix is -translated.
  6. Force Overwrite: If you check the "Force overwrite original file" option, the translation result will directly replace the original file content.
  7. Translation Prompt: Modify the translation prompt in this area to achieve different translation languages or make other personalized adjustments.